Debadatta Mohapatra


Data Architect/Engineer

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An experienced cloud and data architect with over 15 years of expertise. Since last 9 years(2014) designing, developing and managing cloud solutions using AWS, Azure and GCP. Skilled in cloud computing, DevOps, automation,MLOps,data and analytics. Seeking to leverage my knowledge and skills to deliver innovative and cost-effective cloud solutions for your organization.


Professional Experience

Senior Data Architect | AWS | July 2021 - Present

Data Sceince Delivery Lead /IoT Data Platform Lead | Electrolux | AUG 2018 - JUN 2021

Software Developer/Tech Lead | Tata Consultance Service | Jul 2008 - AUG 2018


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | College of Engg and Technology(Odisha University of Technology and Research| 2004 - 2008